Charitable Objectives

The object of Banbury & Evesham Area Meeting is the furtherance of the general religious and
charitable purposes of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain in the area of
Banbury & Evesham Area Meeting and beyond.

Application of the Income and Property
Within Banbury & Evesham Area Meeting, income and property are used to further the area
meeting’s object by work such as:

i) strengthening the life and witness of Quaker meetings both in the area of Banbury &
Evesham Area Meeting and beyond;
ii) spreading the message of Quakers and interpreting and developing the thought and
practice of the Religious Society;
iii) undertaking Quaker service for the relief of suffering at home and abroad;
iv) funding the concerns that Quaker meetings in the area of Banbury & Evesham Area
Meeting or beyond have adopted or agreed to support;
v) providing for the pastoral care of individual members and Attenders including assistance to
those in need and for education;
vi) maintaining and developing Quaker meeting houses as places for public worship and from
which to carry our witness into the world;
vii) administering and maintaining the organisation of Banbury & Evesham Area Meeting and
contributing to the support of Britain Yearly Meeting.


Our full Governing Document can be downloaded here.

or read in the window below: